Boiler-The Backbone Of Economy

Boiler-The Backbone Of Economy

Boiler-The Backbone Of Economy

Rise of Industrial revolution in Europe in 18 th century gave birth to the new machine which is
termed as ‘’Boiler’’ .Denis Papin of France in 1679 developed the first boiler with a safety
valve. Boiler were made and used in the England by the turn of the 18 th century.
The revolution in transportation system and textile industry allowed the English government
to enhance their trade over the globe and strenghthen their economy.
This made England a superpower over the globe as it turnout to be a great economy
throughout 18 th and 19 th century.
Two scientist of America namely Babcock & Wilcox developed the new
technology of water tube boilers .On the basis of which power boiler came into play.
Generation of electricity from steam commercialized the boilers. Now , the uses of boilers
were not only in processing industries it is converted into powerplants also. This gave
America a technical edge and it became a developed nation in 20 th century.
Therefore, in modern arena also the growth of any nation is also being
determined by the R&D done in the boiler field.
Boilers are the backbone of any industries as it supplies heat for the process of the plant and
it rotates the turbine which produces electricity. Industries also plays very crucial role in the
GDP of any country. Hence, we can say that boiler is the backbone of economy.
In operation of boiler, the cost of fuel plays a important role as it is a major part of
consumption. Amongst fuel coal , oil and natural gas are the fossil fuels and its cost will keep
increasing by the course of time rapidly. Only way to cope up with this problem is to
minimize the cost of steam generation by reducing the fuel consumption. So, it is a
challenge for every country to do the same and save their non-renewable natural resouces
as long as possible to meet the needs of future generation.

Therefore, 21 st century will only be ruled by only those country over the globe who
will innovate the better idea to optimize the use of non-renewable natural resources and
minimize the steam production cost.

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